Africans + Latinos
The Czechs and I
After dinner, they took us all to the big gym and made us wait for some time until the second years were prepared to perform... and how they performed. They sang, acted, but most of all, they danced. They danced a lot, and incredibly well. It became obvious that UWC is full of artists, at least their generation. I can't imagine myself in their place next year!
I've just posted a request on Facebook so that somebody lets me know if they have videos of the event.
After the performances we had a little time to prepare for the CANTEEN PARTY!!!!! A disco set in the canteen, everyone dancing in the middle, it was so much fun! Though it was then that I figured out the difference between discos here and back home: there, you can exit the disco and get some fresh air. Here you can't.
But it is still bearable.
I'm really having such a great time here!
Hola sobrino, por fin me he enterado como entrar al blog, pero por favor escribenos algunas palabritas en andaluz que nos enteremos de algo
Guille!! Soy Marta xD ya ni te acordaras ! ( yo no me acordaría desde luego) no actualizas mucho esto >.< bueno mejores cosas tendrás que hacer ;) . Mientras taanto te sigo en tu blog!! Besos!